Ana Flavia Bennett Escalona

DCDP student - 2022 Generation

Email: [email protected]


– Degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Havana.
– Diploma “Basic Training of Young Teachers”. Vice President I of the University of Matanzas.
– Diploma in “Childhood, Adolescence and Youth”. Center for Youth Studies.
– Master in Clinical Psychology, University of Havana, Cuba.


– Bennett, AF; Hernandez, E; Lopez, AA. (Jan-Jun, 2020) Attachment relationship of the child with his parents in the first year of life. Rev University of Havana. no.291. ISSN 0253-9276
– Bennett, AF; Hernandez, E; Lopez, AA. Attachment relationship in infants of the first year of life and their adolescent mothers. Article under review by the journal Novedades en Población, indexed in the Scielo Platform (sent March 2021).
– Bennett, AF; Lara, I; Garcia, A; Ramos, H.; Guerrero, I. Psychological impact of covid-19 on final year students at the University of Matanzas. Article accepted by the Multidisciplinary Electronic Journal of Research and Teaching. IC Investig@cción, indexed on Latindex Platform (accepted September 2021).
– Lara, I; Velazco, Y; Bennett, AF; Diaz, J. Garcia, A; Chinea, D; Ramos, H. SOLUNA Project: making family violence visible in the Popular Councils of the Matanzas Municipality in a pandemic situation. Article in process of editorial evaluation by Revista Estudio, indexed in Latindex Platform (sent April 2021).
– Lara, I; Bennett, AF; Garcia, A; Ramos, H, Chinea, D. Perception of violence by Matanzas families in times of confinement as a result of covid-19. Article accepted (July 2021) for book publication: The Subjectivity of the Pandemic: Cuban Experiences. Coord: Pañellas, D., Cabrera, I