Adriana Olaya Torres

DCDP student - 2020 Generation


– Master in Education, University of Caldas (Colombia).
– Diploma Pedagogical accompaniment for the redesign of courses, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
– Psychologist, University of Ibagué (Colombia).

Contact information

Research areas

Initial education; child social-emotional development; family and parenting.

Ongoing investigations

– Functioning of new Hispanic-American family configurations.

– Attitudes towards homoparental families in Ibero-America.

– Validation of an intervention program based on Mindfulness for the development of sensitivity in initial education teachers.

Publications and participation in research

– Fondecyt Initiation N° 11180556. Bidirectional relationship between self-regulation and mother/father-child dyadic synchrony from a physiological and behavioral perspective (IR: Daniela Aldoney).

– Tools for building peace in school contexts (approach from theories of socio-emotional and moral development).

– Relationship between the sensitivity in teachers of the initial education cycle, the quality of the classroom and the practices of inclusion in public and private educational institutions in the city of Ibagué.

– Vera Márquez, A. V., Olaya, A. J., & Denegri Flores, J. (2019). Collaborative International Online Learning: an experience in subjects on Educational Psychology. Pedagogical Reflections URosario, 18. 1-8.

– Duque, C., A. and Olaya, A., J. (2018). Raise happy and safe children. Ink Tree.

– Proceedings I Symposium on Education and development in childhood, infancy and adolescence. University of Ibague. Role: Compiler.

– Systematization of the Buenos Aires Educational Project (PEBA).